邱世鸿,笔名丘若,丘君。1966年3月出生于四川乐至县。现为南京航空航天大学艺术学院教授,硕导。南航书画研究所所长。师从徐无闻,荀运昌,秦效侃,黄惇等先生,先后毕业于西南大学,南京艺术学院,美术学专业。 近年研究主题:诗书画印与中国文化。先后在全国举办学术讲座三十余场,参加重要学术研讨会三十余次。出版《魏晋书法的艺术精神》巜理学影响下的宋代书论》《创作与理念》《大学行书教程》巜邱世鸿书画篆刻精品集》《艺术文化与艺术创造》《抚云斋艺术论评集》《抚云斋印存》《抚云斋诗文集》等专著十五部,自编教材三部。发表论丶文200余篇。在艺术创作(诗,书,画,印)丶理论研究丶艺术教育三领域取得一定的成绩。先后毕业于西南大学丶南京艺术学院,获得美术学硕士丶博士学位。先后担任南京、上海、宁波、东莞、茅台工作室导师。自2009年起在南京丶东莞丶昆山先后七次举办个人艺术大展。艺术作品先后获奖,入选于全国首届高校师生展,全国第二届正书展,全国第六届书法篆刻展,第二届中国书法“兰亭奖"(艺术奖),首届中国篆刻艺术展,首届全国篆书展,南京国际美展,西泠印社名家邀请展,中国美院高校导师展,当代书法专业博士巡回展,红色记忆~全国篆刻提名展,永字映像~当代百位篆刻名家激情创作展等。同时兼任成都文理学院特聘教授,世界青年文明论坛书画委员会委员。理论著述先后获得中国文联评论奖丶中国书法兰亭奖丶高等书法教育奖丶岭南印学奖丶江苏社科奖丶江苏艺术论文奖、陈毅文艺奖等多项。 2020年诗书画印作品获得"抗疫~艺术家在行动"网络评选一等奖。2019年被中国通俗文艺协会授予“中国艺术名家工作室"。2021年10月篆刻获得中国收藏家协会颁发的红色印迹一全国篆刻展提名奖(共10名)。2021年篆刻参加"永字映像~全国百名篆刻名字激情创作展"。被评为“2021优秀诗词家”并入文化人才库;2022被中国美育网评为“美育探索名师”等!近年任教育部学术桥评审专家。2019任《中国书学》编委。现为: 西泠印社社员, 中国文艺评论家协会会员, 中华美学学会会员, 中国通俗文艺家协会会员, 中国书法家协会会员, 中国诗书画研究会研究员, 中国楹联学会会员 中国榜书学会会员, 中国国家画院首届学术精英班成员, 世界青年文明论坛书画委员会委员, 南京书法家协会副主席, 香港中国书法家协会副会长, 中国书法兰亭奖理论奖获得者, 中国新文人书法代表之一。 Qiu Shihong, pen name Qiu Ruo, Qiu Jun. Born in March 1966 in Lezhi County, Sichuan Province. I am currently a professor and master's supervisor at the School of Art, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Director of the Southern Airlines Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. I studied under Mr. Xu Wuwen, Xun Yunchang, Qin Xiaokan, Huang Dun, and graduated from Southwest University, Nanjing Academy of Arts, and majoring in Fine Arts. Recent research topics: Poetry, calligraphy, painting, printing, and Chinese culture. He has held more than 30 academic lectures nationwide and participated in more than 30 important academic seminars. Published fifteen monographs, including "The Artistic Spirit of Wei Jin Calligraphy", "The Song Dynasty Calligraphy Theory under the Influence of Neo Confucianism", "Creation and Philosophy", "University Running Script Tutorial", "Qiu Shihong's Collection of Fine Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Engraving Works", "Art Culture and Artistic Creation", "Fu Yunzhai Art Review Collection", "Fu Yunzhai Seal Preservation", "Fu Yunzhai Poetry Collection", and three self compiled textbooks. Published over 200 articles and articles. Achieved certain achievements in the fields of artistic creation (poetry, calligraphy, painting, printing), theoretical research, and art education. Graduated from Southwest University and Nanjing Academy of Arts, obtaining Master's and Doctoral degrees in Fine Arts. I have served as a mentor for studios in Nanjing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Dongguan, and Maotai. Since 2009, I have held seven solo art exhibitions in Nanjing, Dongguan, and Kunshan. His artistic works have won numerous awards and have been selected for the first National College Student Exhibition, the second National Calligraphy Exhibition, the sixth National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition, and the second Chinese Calligraphy "Lanting Award" (Art Award) The first China Seal Engraving Art Exhibition, the first National Seal Engraving Exhibition, the Nanjing International Art Exhibition, the Xiling Seal Engraving Society Famous Artist Invitation Exhibition, the China Academy of Fine Arts University Mentor Exhibition, the Contemporary Calligraphy Professional Doctoral Tour Exhibition, the Red Memory~National Seal Engraving Nomination Exhibition, the Eternal Character Reflection~Contemporary Hundred Seal Engraving Masters Emotional Creation Exhibition, etc. Simultaneously serving as a distinguished professor at Chengdu University of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Committee of the World Youth Civilization Forum. Theoretical writings have won multiple awards, including the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Criticism Award, the China Calligraphy Lanting Award, the Higher Calligraphy Education Award, the Lingnan Indian Studies Award, the Jiangsu Social Science Award, the Jiangsu Art Paper Award, and the Chen Yi Literary and Art Award. In 2020, the poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing works won the first prize in the online selection of "Anti epidemic~Artists in Action". In 2019, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Artists Studio" by the China Popular Literature and Art Association. In October 2021, he was nominated for the Red Imprint National Seal Engraving Exhibition by the China Collectors Association (a total of 10 people). In 2021, he participated in the "Eternal Character Reflection~National 100 Seal Engraving Names Passionate Creation Exhibition". He was named an "Excellent Poet of 2021" and included in the cultural talent pool. In 2022, he was rated as a "Famous Teacher for Exploring Art Education" by China Art Education Network! In recent years, he has served as an academic bridge evaluation expert at the Ministry of Education. Appointed as an editorial board member of "Chinese Calligraphy" in 2019. Now: Member of Xiling Seal Engraving Society, Member of the Chinese Association of Literary Critics, Member of the Chinese Aesthetic Society, Member of the Chinese Popular Artists Association, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Researcher at the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Member of the Chinese Association of Couplets Member of the China Ranking Society, Member of the first academic elite class of the National Academy of Painting of China, Member of the Calligraphy and Painting Committee of the World Youth Civilization Forum, Vice Chairman of Nanjing Calligraphers Association, Vice President of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, Winner of the Lanting Award for Theoretical Studies in Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese New Literati Books 作 品 赏 析 南京风物自书自撰册 《岭南之行》 赠成都朋友诗 年年有余图 鼠桃相娱图 蜀乡竹海情 杜甫《丹青引》 对联自撰句 润州纪游诗 李白《庐山谣》