  • 张远达|2024《荣耀中国》年度艺术特殊贡献人物
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  • 2024年度艺术盛宴:百家媒体重点推荐,艺术名家张玉涛
来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-04-07 | 186 次浏览 | 分享到:

  张通云号野山,湖北省利川人, 国家高级美术师、CCTV《艺术传承》客座教授、“中国珍藏级艺术家”(五星级)、被“全国职业信用评价网”评为“国礼艺术家”(高级)、入驻“国务外交礼品网”,评为“国务外交礼品师”、“民族艺术家”、“世界非物质文化遗产研究院特邀终身院士”、“享受中国艺术人才基金会特殊津贴专家”,入驻“国礼文化官方网”、获“中国文化艺术国际传播大使”荣誉、获“中朝文化友谊勋章”、获“中国文化艺术国际传播大使”荣誉证书;入驻中央艺术名家书画院官网“文化强国首批央美艺术专家智库”;中国文化名人名家网、中国文化艺术大师网、中国文人研究网和中国艺术名家交流中心评定为“中国艺术最具收藏价值奖”,国际艺术促进会书画艺术委员会授予“中国书画终身成就奖”荣誉证书、被亚太时报网组委会、北欧时顿网组委会、世界华文媒体合作联盟和世界文化交流伟大贡献奖组委会授予“世界文化交流伟大贡献奖”荣誉证书;被评为“最具收藏价值艺术家”,并授予“中国十大最具收藏价值艺术家”及“收藏家最喜爱的十大艺术家”荣誉称号;中国服务贸易协会,国际交流工作委员会会员;中国国际书画家联合会授予“中华历史遗产最美代言人”称号;在中法建交60用年活动中获“荣耀中国形象大使”证书;作品进入中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会“二十一世纪中国文化名人 ”库;入驻中国(香港)美协、中国(香港)书协与全国书画名家查询网主办的,全国书画名家信息查询系统;中华人民共和国文化和旅游部授牌《国家高级美术师著名艺术家张通云书画工作室》;CCTV央视书画频道和中国收藏指南网签约艺术家;参加中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国华夏国墨书画院、中国人民艺术书画研究院和中国文化艺术人才管理中心在“2021年中国共产党诞辰100周年”活动中评审为德艺双馨“人民艺术家”;获文旅部“人民艺术家”荣誉称号;荣获民族艺术家评审委员会和国礼文化艺术调研委员会“民族艺术家”证书;荣获CCTV“功勋艺术家”称号;2023年参加文旅部向全国两会献礼活动获“德艺双馨书画名家”荣誉称号;入选2023年福布斯中国(艺术福布斯)十大名人榜;《中国艺术名家档案馆》终身会员;藏亿天下理事;中儒文化产业联盟主席;高级中学美术高级教师;曲阜鸿儒书画院常务副院长;一带一路丝路文化之旅中吉国礼工程艺术家。作品通过互联网新闻中心,中国产品质量认证监督管理中心评审授“2021年中国最具收藏价值艺术家”;2021年 4月在中国中外名人文化研究会的“大师巨作 ---建党100年中国百幅经典书画名作评鉴工程”活动中通过了故宫博物院与中国历史博物馆潘深亮、吕长生和单国强,古玩、书画 、艺术品评鉴专家组的评鉴;作品获“联墨艺术品鉴定中心测评为“一级”艺术品;收藏天下全国数字频道2020春节电视展播,在百度首页、人民日报、CCTV焦点访谈网、人民网、中国新闻联播、全球头条、国际热线、今日头条、中央热点观察网、中国网、国际凤凰网等国际国内二百余家媒体网上报道(其中全球性37次);入选人民日报主办的《中华水墨报》以“中国艺术功勋人物献礼建国70周年大阅兵”为通栏标题报道;艺术简历与作品已入驻全球书画家的百科全书一一书画百科、入驻中国东方文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会“艺术专业人才数据库”、入驻迪拜国际官方拍卖平台、入驻决策中国行业百科影响力人物数据库、入驻文旅部人才中心人才资源数据库、入驻文化部艺术人才数据库、入驻《国家数字化展馆》———人民艺术馆、中国名家百科数据库、入驻新华在线《名家百科》数据库、入驻国际名人百科、入驻新华在线网名家百科栏目中国行业领军人物数据库、入驻中企报盟信息科学研究院中国书画名家数据库、入驻中国名家访谈网行业名家数据库、入驻东方大师数据库、入驻藏亿天下艺术家名人库、入驻国礼文化官方网,并以“民族艺术家---张通云”为题展示等18个数据库;“二十一世纪中国文化名人”档案中珍藏;入驻卓越者头条官方网站;入驻国礼艺术官方网站并以“传世国艺。韵动华夏---国礼特供艺术家张通云”为题报道;荣获“建党百年功勋人物”荣誉称号;“改革开放三十年中国专家学者贡献人物”荣誉称号;在第十八届世纪大采风活动中获“德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号;收藏天下全国数字电视频道授予“最具收藏价值艺术家”称号;中国收藏学术研究会和世界文化艺术鉴定中心授予“当代中国书画收藏市场最具收藏价值艺术家”中国互联网新闻中心授予“艺术传承者---张通云书画届巨匠”荣誉称号;中国互联网联盟授有2020年度全球各界顶级人物“年度之最”奖杯、2021年全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”;中国互联网中华优秀传统文化艺术大家荣誉称号等荣誉78个;荣获建国70周年纪念章等9枚;荣获奖座、奖牌与奖匾34个;由中国收藏指南网建立了永久性3D+VR张通云美术馆。

  Zhang Tongyun, also known as Yeshan, is a native of Lichuan, Hubei Province. He is a national senior artist, a guest professor of CCTV's "Art Inheritance", a "Chinese Treasure Level Artist" (five-star rating), and has been rated as a "National Gift Artist" (Senior) by the "National Professional Credit Evaluation Network". He has also joined the "National Diplomatic Gift Network" and has been awarded the titles of "National Diplomatic Gift Teacher", "National Artist", and "Special Invited Lifetime Academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute" "Expert who enjoys the special allowance of the China Art Talent Foundation", has been stationed on the "National Rites and Culture Official Website", has been honored as the "Ambassador for International Communication of Chinese Culture and Art", has been awarded the "China North Korea Cultural Friendship Medal", and has been awarded the honorary certificate of "Ambassador for International Communication of Chinese Culture and Art"; Joined the official website of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy as one of the first batch of Central Beauty Art Experts Think Tank for a Cultural Power; China Cultural Celebrities and Masters Network, China Cultural and Art Masters Network, China Scholars Research Network, and China Art Masters Exchange Center have been awarded the "Most Valuable Collection Award for Chinese Art". The Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the International Association for the Promotion of Art has awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" honorary certificate, and has been recognized by the Asia Pacific Times Network Organizing Committee and the Nordic Shidun Network Organizing Committee The organizing committee of the World Chinese Media Cooperation Alliance and the World Cultural Exchange Great Contribution Award awarded the "World Cultural Exchange Great Contribution Award" honorary certificate; Was rated as the "Most Valuable Artist" and awarded the honorary titles of "Top 10 Most Valuable Artists in China" and "Top 10 Favorite Artists of Collectors"; Member of the China Association of Trade in Services and the International Exchange Working Committee; The China International Federation of Calligraphers and Painters awarded the title of "Most Beautiful Spokesperson of Chinese Historical Heritage"; Received the certificate of "Honor China Image Ambassador" during the 60 year diplomatic relations event between China and France; The work has been included in the "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrities" database of the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association; Joined the National Calligraphy and Painting Master Information Query System organized by the China (Hong Kong) Artists Association, China (Hong Kong) Calligraphers Association, and the National Calligraphy and Painting Master Query Network; The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China awarded the "National Senior Artist and Famous Artist Zhang Tongyun Calligraphy and Painting Studio"; Signed artist for CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel and China Collection Guide Network; Participated in the appraisal of "People's Artist" with virtue and skill in the activity of "the 100th anniversary of the birth of the CPC in 2021" by the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the Chinese Huaxia National Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy, the Chinese People's Art Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute and the Chinese Culture and Art Talent Management Center; Received the honorary title of "People's Artist" from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Awarded the "Ethnic Artist" certificate by the Ethnic Artist Evaluation Committee and the National Ritual Culture and Art Research Committee; Awarded the title of "Meritorious Artist" by CCTV; In 2023, he participated in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism's gift giving activity to the National People's Congress and won the honorary title of "Deyi Shuangxin Calligraphy and Painting Master"; Selected on the 2023 Forbes China (Art Forbes) Top 10 Celebrities List; Lifetime member of the Archives of Chinese Artists; Director of Cangyi Tianxia; Chairman of the Sino Confucian Cultural Industry Alliance; Senior High School Art Senior Teacher,Executive Vice President of Qufu Hongru Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Artist of the China Kyrgyzstan Ritual Project on the the Belt and Road Silk Road Cultural Tour. His works have been awarded "China's Most Collectible Artist in 2021" by the Internet News Center and the China Product Quality Certification Supervision and Management Center; In April 2021, during the "Master Masterpieces - Evaluation Project of One Hundred Classic Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces of China in the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" organized by the China Association for Cultural Research of Chinese and Foreign Celebrities, the evaluation was passed by the experts in antique, calligraphy and painting, and art evaluation from the Palace Museum and the Museum of Chinese History, including Pan Shenliang, Lv Changsheng, and Shan Guoqiang; The work has been evaluated as a "first-class" artwork by the Lianmo Art Appraisal Center; Collect the 2020 Spring Festival TV show of the national digital channel of the world, and report it on Baidu's home page, People's Daily, CCTV Focus Network, People's Daily, China News Network, Global Headlines, International Hotline, Today Headlines, Central Hotspot Watch, China Network, International Phoenix Network and other more than 200 international and domestic media online (including 37 global); The Chinese Ink and Wash Newspaper, sponsored by the People's Daily, featured a column headline titled "Chinese Artistic Meritorious Figures Presenting Commemorations for the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China"; My artistic resume and works have been included in the encyclopedia of global calligraphers and painters - Calligraphy and Painting Encyclopedia, the "Art Professional Talent Database" of the Social Art Professional Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, the Dubai International Auction Platform, the Influential Figures Database of the Chinese Industry Encyclopedia for Decision Making, the Talent Resource Database of the Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Art Talent Database of the Ministry of Culture, and the National Digital Exhibition Hall ——- People's Art Museum, China Famous Family Encyclopedia Database, Joined Xinhua Online's "Famous Family Encyclopedia" Database, Joined International Celebrity Encyclopedia, Joined Xinhua Online's Famous Family Encyclopedia Column China Industry Leading Figures Database, Joined China Enterprise Newspaper Alliance Information Science Research Institute China Calligraphy and Painting Famous Family Database, Joined China Famous Family Interview Network Industry Famous Family Database, Joined Oriental Master Database, Joined Tibet Billion World Artist Celebrity Database Joined the official website of Guoli Culture and displayed 18 databases under the title of "National Artist - Zhang Tongyun"Collected in the archives of "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrities"; Join the official website of Excellence Headlines; Joined the official website of Guoli Art and reported under the title "Inheriting Guoli Art. Charming China - Zhang Tongyun, a special artist for Guoli"; Awarded the honorary title of "Centennial Meritorious Figures in the Founding of the Communist Party of China"; Honorary title of "Contributing Figures of Chinese Experts and Scholars in the Thirty Years of Reform and Opening up"; Received the honorary title of "Artist with both Virtue and Art" at the 18th Century Great Harvest Festival; The National Digital TV Channel awarded the title of "Artist with the Most Collectible Value" to the "Collectible World"; The Chinese Collection Academic Research Association and the World Culture and Art Appraisal Center awarded the honorary title of "the artist with the most collection value in the contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting collection market", and the China Internet News Center awarded the title of "art inheritor --- Zhang Tongyun, a master of calligraphy and painting"; The China Internet Alliance has awarded the "Annual Top" trophy to the world's top figures from all walks of life in 2020 and the "Annual Top" award to the world's contributing figures from all walks of life in 2021; 78 honors including the honorary title of China Internet, China Excellent Traditional Culture and Art Master; Received 9 commemorative medals, including the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China; Received 34 awards, medals, and plaques; The permanent 3D+VR Zhang Tongyun Art Museum has been established by the China Collection Guide website.


  作品有原央视评论员著名书画评论家史峰以《青绿山水的一座丰碑一一记著名画家张通云》与水墨丹青艺术主任罗成《勾成山水工笔技 倾染青绿大雅情一一记著名画家张通云》的评论。

  自幼酷爱艺术,中国书画作品或业绩已在俄罗斯、美国、法国、日本等12个国家16次, 中国26个省、市、自治区参加文化艺术活动988次,其中报道活动225次(国际性39次);书画作品在人民日报艺术家金杯奖、2017年翰墨中华—当代名家作品3D艺术展,世界华人艺术精品大展,情系奥运中华书画艺术展世界行等143余次活动中获奖或入展,其中,特别金奖6次,金奖含一等奖48次,银奖15次;作品在中国文联编辑,人民美术出版社出版的有刘大为、黄永玉和范曾的《画坛泰斗---四大领军人物》、“共建一带一路”倡议提出10周年,一带一路文化领袖绽放巴黎奥运文化名人殿堂暨庆祝中法建六十周年2024年台历、CCTV2018《中国书画---走向世界的中国名片》台历、2020全球发行与中美协主席范迪安二人合集的《时代风采人物》台历、人民美术出版社出版,与欧阳中石、苏士澍、范迪安四人合集的《众志成城。艺坛先锋》、中国文史出版社出版与欧阳中石、马化腾三人合集的《大国崛起。文化力量》、入编与范迪安、何家英、孙晓云五人合集的《中国艺坛名家雅集》、入编中国文化艺术出版社出版的《领艺新时代。共筑中国梦》、入编收藏天下全国数字电视频道的《中国荣耀丝绸上的国礼艺术大师》、入编中国文联出版社出版的《长征颂报国心强国梦》、入编中国艺术档案出版社出版与齐白石合籍2000册,定价2680元的《中国书画大宗师》、入编中国文化出版社出版的《创新中国。记载当代艺术领军人物的创新与梦想》、入编中国民族摄影艺术出版社出版的《盛世国艺---领秀中华艺术巨匠》、中国文化出版社出版的《创新中国》、入编中国国际出版社出版的《中国名家作品收藏与鉴赏》、香港文联出版社出版的《中国艺术大家典藏》、入编中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会的《奋进新时代新文艺群体书画家名人录》、入编CCTV《时代楷模国之匠魂》、入编全球发行的《百年辛亥文艺传世人物》、入编与范迪安 、孙晓云、冯远由中央党校出版社出版发行的《百年辉煌。国礼档案》---新时代艺坛领军人物、入编中国拍卖联盟中心和雅昌艺术拍卖中心,编辑出版发行国内外180多个国家和地区,200多家联合单位大型拍卖机构画廊《中国权威收藏书籍--中国艺术软黄金》100000册定价49元的个人专籍、2023年入编与已故西班牙毕加索、法国亨利。马蒂斯与克劳德。莫奈、比利时勒内。弗朗索瓦。吉兰。马格里特四位画家合作水精雅籍的《世界美术人物志》等262部(其中全球发行29部)典籍中入编。
