个人简介王克正,本科学历,原籍上海 在理论研究方面:在全国各级刊物发表过160多篇经济管理论文,曾46次获得省部级优秀论文奖。2007年曾撰写并出版科普书籍 。2001年其簡歷曾被編入《中國專家大辭典》 ,2008年被編入《世界優秀專家人才名典》 在健身方面:曾获得国家级健身指导员导师和国家一级健美裁判资格证书,曾12次获得全国健美比赛大奖,河南省5次健美冠军,2021年获得世界奥赛健美亚军。 在艺术方面:現任中国书画院理事,中国书画家协会会员,国家一级美术师,中央美院客座教授,人民书画报理事會主席,联合国中文日国际文化大使,世界非物質文化遺產研究院副院長,中国管理科学研究院教育标准化研究所客座教授,博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心研究员,中国书画产业研究基地专家组成员,中艺联合信息科研院书画专家,央视书画签约艺术家,中国文博会推荐艺术家,吳門八雅書畫院常務副院長,珍迹(杭州)书画院副院长及院士,江南翰林诗书画院院士 ,洛阳老干部画家协会名誉会长。 在藝術成就方面:其绘画作品曾被人民大会堂,中国美术馆,中国国家博物馆收藏 ,2023年被聯合國郵政制作成世界邮票发行。2021年曾被国家艺术研究院推荐为《中国书画艺术名家典藏》封面人物。同時其艺术作品還被编入中国艺术名家档案,中国名人辞典,多幅作品被编入中国《书画艺术》画册和《世界艺术名人录》。 微信号15517901136 Personal Profile: Wang Kezheng, Bachelor's degree, originally from Shanghai In terms of theoretical research, I have published over 160 economic and management papers in various national journals and have won the provincial and ministerial level Excellent Paper Award 46 times. In 2007, he wrote and published popular science books. In 2001, his resume was included in the Chinese Expert Dictionary, and in 2008, it was included in the World Excellent Expert Talent Dictionary In terms of fitness: I have obtained national fitness instructor and first-class fitness referee qualifications, won 12 national fitness competition awards, won 5 fitness championships in Henan Province, and won the runner up in the 2021 World Olympics fitness competition. In terms of art: currently serving as a director of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a national first-class artist, visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, chairman of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper Council, ambassador for international culture on the United Nations Chinese Day, vice president of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, visiting professor at the Education Standardization Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, and researcher at the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center, Member of the Expert Group of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Industry Research Base, Calligraphy and Painting Expert of the China Art Union Information Research Institute, Signed Artist of CCTV Calligraphy and Painting, Recommended Artist by the China Cultural and Art Expo, Executive Vice President of Wumen Baya Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Vice President and Academician of Zhenji (Hangzhou) Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Academician of Jiangnan Hanlin Poetry and Painting Institute, Honorary President of Luoyang Retired Cadre Painters Association. In terms of artistic achievements, his paintings have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of Art of China, and the National Museum of China. In 2023, they were produced and issued as world stamps by the United Nations Postal Service. In 2021, he was recommended by the National Academy of Art as the cover character of the Collection of Famous Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Artists. At the same time, his artistic works have also been included in the archives of Chinese art masters, the Dictionary of Chinese Celebrities, and multiple works have been included in the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Album and the World Art Celebrity List. WeChat ID 15517901136 全國書畫大賽中獲得的部分獎牌 2023年在56個國家參賽的世界藝術大賽中獲獎 被2023年中央電視台聘為簽約藝術家 中國書畫院理事 其作品被編入世界藝術名人錄 山寨一角2022.10 60×80 2023.12.31小橋流水 溪橋村貌 山村街道 寧靜的民居區 山村風韻 莊園風景2023.10.20 60×90 小村青山 民居2021.12.6 60×90 田園風情 農莊小屋 秋韻雁陣 稻田鄉陌