许炳荣 1949.12生于陕西富平,祖籍西安鱼化寨。
二十大 :新文化领军人物
诗联书作百多次获金、银及等级奖,并在多国以及全国巡展。诗书作被故宫博物院,中国军事博物馆 ,人民大会堂等单位、名人故乡政府收藏。



2021.4. 获首批“ 中国红色文化品牌人物 ”和“文化功勋人物”称号。
2021.12. 诗歌,对联书作被做成整套冬奥会台历。
2021.12. 获“年度优秀诗词家”称号。
诗书作编《2023 党旗下的领航者》二十大宣赠品台历。
2023.4. CCTV聘为《品牌中国》栏目 艺术顾问。
2023.5央广文旅国际合作发展中心特聘为发展中心的 副理事长。
2023.8 沈鹏宗师与本人出书《岁月恩典 沈鹏*许炳荣二人集》。
2024年诗书作《 吟龙》获“五个一工程”美术作品奖。

《十月》杂志授予:“中华文学艺术界精英奖” 称号;中国文学艺术家联合协会授予:“共和国艺术家”称号。

Xu Bingrong was born in Fuping, Shaanxi on December 1949, with ancestral roots in Yuhua Village, Xi'an.
National top-level calligrapher and lifelong honorary dean of Confucius Institute. Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and director of the Poetry World magazine. Honorary Dean of the Taipei Palace Museum Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Member of the Chinese Couplet Society, Director of the Shaanxi Couplet Society, and Executive Director of the Weinan Couplet Society.
Global People's List: World Chinese Art Leaders
20th National Congress: Leading Figures in New Culture
Senior Director of the Expert Group of Shen Peng Art Studio

Literary works won first prize in the Chinese Writers Association Competition.
The poetry collection has won gold, silver, and level awards over a hundred times, and has been exhibited in multiple countries and across the country. Poetry and books have been collected by institutions such as the Palace Museum, the Chinese Military Museum, the Great Hall of the People, and the government of famous people's hometowns.
The paper correcting dictionary errors won the provincial excellent award.
The paper on correcting textbook errors won the National Excellent Award.
In the last century, poetry and couplet works won multiple awards and were published.
In 2003, the Chinese Classical Literature Research Association awarded the title of "Outstanding Chinese Poetry Artist of the 20th Century".
In 2010, his poetry and calligraphy won the "Wenhua Award" and "Best Creation Award" from the Ministry of Culture.
In 2011, won the gold medal in the National Poetry and Book Competition.
In 2013, the Chinese Traditional Literature and Art Society awarded the title of "Top Ten Leading Figures in Chinese Art".

The book was collected by Ma Ying jeou from Taiwan in 2017.
In September 2018, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Confucius Institute recommended him as the "2018 Ambassador for the Promotion of Confucius Culture".

In 2020, the war and epidemic love poems were donated to Wuhan, Tongchuan, and other places.

In 2020, poetry and books were included in the "Huaxia Stele Forest" stone carving.
September 2020. Organizing Committee for the Special Issue of the Palace Museum's 600 Year Calligraphy and Painting Celebrity Exhibition. Awarded the title of "Chinese Culture, Centennial Master".

April 2021 Received the titles of "Chinese Red Culture Brand Figures" and "Cultural Meritorious Figures" in the first batch.
December 2021 Poetry and couplets were made into a complete set of Winter Olympics calendars.
December 2021 Received the title of "Outstanding Poet of the Year".
Compile a calendar of gifts for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2023.
2023.4 CCTV hired as an art consultant for the Brand China program.
In March 2023, the Central Radio and Television International Cooperation Development Center was specially appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Development Center.

On March 3, 2023, Master Shen Peng and I published a book titled "Collection of the Grace of Time by Shen Peng and Xu Bingrong".

Selected poems and works from March 12, 2023 will be included in the calendar of the Paris Olympics in France, lasting 1-7 months.

In 2024, the poetry and book "Singing the Dragon" won the "Five One Project" Art Award.

Awarded the title of Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese National Essence Calligraphy and Painting Masters.
Over the past decade, poetry and couplets have been turned into postage stamps and valuable card face albums dozens of times.

For many years, I have held solo exhibitions or participated in major exhibitions and tours in Beijing, Macau, Xi'an and other places.
Participated in dozens of public welfare activities domestically.
To write poetry and couplets for national level audiences and art museums.
October magazine awarded the title of "Elite Award in the Chinese Literary and Artistic Circle"; The Chinese Federation of Literary Artists awarded the title of "Artist of the Republic".
Poetry has been included in many classic books and publications such as "World Poetry Artist Cihai".
Literary and literary achievements have been exhibited, interviewed, and reported on multiple times by CCTV and local channels.