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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-06-13 | 161 次浏览 | 分享到:




袁飞,江西寻乌人,生于南昌市,全国著名书画家, 国家一级书法师,国家一级美术师,进修于中国艺术研究院中国书画高级研修班和北京大学中国传统山水画赏析高级研修班,国务院国宾礼特供艺术家,首席外交文艺家,国务外交礼品师,中国香港书法家协会名誉主席,中国香港美术家协会名誉主席,中央国家机关书法家协会会员,中央国家机关美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,中华诗词学会会员,中国楹联学会会员,中国通俗文艺研究会理事,中国艺术研究院特约研究员,中国东方文化研究会高级艺术顾问,中国书画交易润格评估中心特邀艺术评估顾问,北京润格艺术品鉴定中心首席评估鉴定顾问,CCTV《艺术名家》拦目艺术顾问,CCTV《艺术传承》栏目客座教授,CCTV《高清综艺娱乐频道》特邀书画艺术顾问,CCTV中文网客座教授,CCTV《华夏之声》书画名家客座教授,CETV《名家讲堂》栏目特聘艺术顾问,人民书画报理事会副主席,中国国际书画艺术家联合会名誉会长,中国乡协孔孟文化研究院名誉院长,清华大学美术学院客座教授,(英)皇家艺术学院客座教授,俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士等。作品在国家展和海外展中获特等奖、特别金奖、一等奖和金奖多次,作品在北京、东京、纽约、新泽西、悉尼、圣保尔、首尔、莫斯科、圣比得堡和幂尼黑等多国城市展出,被授予“国家形象大使”、“联合国和平艺术大使”荣誉称号,作品入编《中国历代书画名家宝典》、《跨世纪中外书画名人辞典》、《中国当代美术家书法家大辞典》和《共和国艺术家辞海》等书籍一百多部,作品被北京人民大会堂、敦煌美术馆、颜真卿书画院及海内外友好人士所收藏。



袁飞先生将內在的精神修养外化为简远高洁、飘逸潇洒、宁静幽远、古朴优雅的风格紧紧相连, 紧紧抓住画理,用自已湧动的情感推助实现着他充满生命力的现实生活创作。行之简远,安于宁静。【故宫博物院研究员·单国強 2018.12.8.北京】




袁飞先生的书画作品既承传统又富创新,深具丰满而生动的魅力,厚重而优雅的风采,恰似现代书画领域中一道独特的风景线。【中国国家博物馆研究员·吕长生 2018.12.8.北京】



Yuan Fei, born in Xunwu, Jiangxi, is a nationally renowned calligrapher and painter, a national first-class calligrapher, and a national first-class artist. He studied at the Chinese Academy of Art's Advanced Training Class on Chinese Calligraphy and Painting and Peking University's Advanced Training Class on Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Landscape Painting. He is also a special artist for State Guests under the State Council, chief diplomatic artist, national diplomatic gift artist, honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Calligraphers Association, honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association, member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association, member of the Central State Organ Artists Association, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, member of the Chinese Couplet Society, and member of the Chinese Popular Literature and Art Research Association. Director, Special Researcher at the China Academy of Arts, Senior Art Advisor at the China Oriental Culture Research Association, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Trading Runge Evaluation Center's invited art evaluation consultant, Beijing Runge Art Appraisal Center's chief evaluation and appraisal consultant, CCTV's "Art Masters" blocking art consultant, CCTV's "Art Inheritance" program guest professor, CCTV's "HD Variety Entertainment Channel" invited calligraphy and painting art consultant, CCTV Chinese website guest professor, CCTV's "Voice of China" calligraphy and painting masters guest professor, CCTV's "Famous Masters Lecture Hall" program special invited art consultant, Vice Chairman of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper Council, Honorary President of the China International Calligraphy and Painting Artists Federation, Honorary Dean of the Confucius and Mencius Culture Research Institute of the China Rural Association, Visiting Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, and (in the UK) Royal Academy of Arts Professor Zuo, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc. The work has won special awards, special gold awards, first prizes, and gold awards multiple times in national and overseas exhibitions. It has been exhibited in multiple cities such as Beijing, Tokyo, New York, New Jersey, Sydney, St. Paul, Seoul, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Munich, and has been awarded the honorary titles of "National Image Ambassador" and "United Nations Peace and Art Ambassador". The work has been included in more than 100 books such as "Treasure of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters throughout the Ages", "Dictionary of Chinese and Foreign Calligraphers and Painters Across the Century", "Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Artists and Calligraphers", and "Dictionary of Republic Artists". The work has been included in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Dunhuang Art Museum, Yan Zhen, and others. Collected by Qingshu Painting Academy and friendly individuals at home and abroad.

Authoritative evaluation

Mr. Yuan Fei externalizes his inner spiritual cultivation into a style that is simple, elegant, elegant, tranquil, and elegant. He tightly grasps the art theory and uses his surging emotions to help achieve his vibrant real-life creations. A simple and distant journey, content with tranquility. [Researcher at the Palace Museum, Shan Guoqiang, August 28, 2018, Beijing]

Authoritative evaluation

Mr. Yuan Fei's calligraphy and painting works are both traditional and innovative, with a rich and vivid charm, a profound and elegant style, just like a unique landscape in the field of modern calligraphy and painting. [Researcher at the National Museum of China, Lv Changsheng, August 28, 2018, Beijing]










































