叶连兴,1947 年出生马来西亚,1953 年回广州定居。
自幼跟随岭南名家梁占峰先生学艺,1979 年移居香港。
2004 年个人重回广州,从事艺术研究和创作。
2011 年 12 月个人资料编入国家人才库,获高级入库证书。

2015 年被国务院中南海国礼艺术中心特聘为国礼艺术家。
2017 年 12 月,受聘担任中国人民美术出版社高级书画艺术顾问。

Ye Lianxing was born in Malaysia in 1947 and returned to Guangzhou to settle in 1953.
I studied under the renowned Lingnan master Mr. Liang Zhanfeng since childhood and moved to Hong Kong in 1979.
In 2004, I returned to Guangzhou and engaged in artistic research and creation.
In December 2011, my personal information was included in the national talent pool and I obtained a senior entry certificate.
Currently a national first-class artist, the Artist Academy of the Chinese Traditional Art Appraisal and Evaluation Committee
Honorary Vice President of the Ministry Committee.
In 2015, he was specially appointed as a national ceremony artist by the Zhongnanhai National Ceremony Art Center of the State Council.

In December 2017, I was hired as a senior calligraphy and painting art consultant at the People's Art Publishing House of China.

Member of the Chinese Artists Association.
Honorary Dean of Guangzhou Lingnan Traditional Chinese Painting Academy.