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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-06-11 | 108 次浏览 | 分享到:







作品名称:《岭上人家多白云》   尺寸:180CMX100CM





作品名称:《夏日清风》   尺寸:180CMX100CM






作品名称:《夏山翠姿》  作品尺寸:180CMX100CM







作品名称:《江山新气象》  尺寸:180CMX100CM






作品名称:《家在青山绿水中》  尺寸:180CMX100CM







作品名称:《焦墨情深》  尺寸:180CMX100CM








作品名称:《青山伴绿水》  尺寸:138CMX69CM




在2023年,李志松先生被推荐为中国文博会的艺术家,并在中华人民共和国文化和旅游部艺术发展中心注册为“共和国百年巨匠 国宝级艺术家”。同年,他被中国人民大学艺术学院聘请为硕士研究生导师,并获得了两部委授予的中国书画艺术终身成就奖。





作品名称:《山乡新貌》  尺寸:138CMX69CM

Mr. Li Zhisong is an artist with profound achievements and outstanding contributions in the field of calligraphy and painting. His life is closely linked to calligraphy and painting. From his military career in military attire to his professional artistic career, he has always maintained a love and pursuit of art.

Mr. Li Zhisong studied under numerous masters of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, including Yan Han, Qin Lingyun, Liang Shunian, Huang Runhua, and other famous Chinese painting masters, as well as calligraphy master Wen Huaisha. During his graduate studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he was guided by Professor Huang Runhua to focus on landscape architecture. He delved into the essence of Li Keran's landscape architecture, drew inspiration from its charm, and developed his own unique artistic style.



作品名称:《青山伴我去遠行》     尺寸:138CMX69CM


Mr. Li Zhisong specializes in broad brush Jiaomo landscape painting, which reflects his pursuit of artistic innovation and the spirit of daring to break through. He draws on the strengths of Master Zhang Ting while not being confined to tradition, boldly experimenting with new brush and ink techniques and ways of expression. His paintings blend light, dry, and wet, exuding a unique artistic charm and personality with ease.



山水画:作品名称:《山路晨晓》  尺寸:69CMX69CM


Mr. Li Zhisong's landscape paintings have won numerous awards at domestic and international calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and have participated in nearly 30 large-scale exhibitions. His paintings, works, and style have been widely recognized and praised. His works not only have profound artistic connotations, but also contain rich cultural heritage and the spirit of the times, with high artistic and collectible value.

Mr. Li Zhisong's life was a model of the integration of art and life. He accompanied himself with calligraphy and painting, with art as his soul, and wrote the wonderful chapters of life with his own pen and ink. His artistic achievements and life experiences will inspire more people to devote themselves to the art industry and contribute to the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture.



Mr. Li Zhisong is a versatile artist who has not only made outstanding contributions in the field of calligraphy and painting, but also demonstrated profound expertise in literature and calligraphy. The following is an overview of his artistic career and achievements:

Mr. Li Zhisong is currently the President of the Qingfeng Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the China Anti Corruption and Legal Research Association, and is a national first-class artist and national ritual calligrapher. He is not only a member of the Chinese Artists Association, but also a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. In his long-term military career, he has formed an inseparable bond with calligraphy and painting, and has been accompanied by military attire and ink for life.


春华秋实  尺寸:180CMX50CM

In the field of literature, he published the "Li Zhisong Poetry and Prose Collection" in 2004, showcasing his love and talent for poetry and prose. In terms of calligraphy, he published "Mao Zedong's Poems: Li Zhisong's Calligraphy in Lishu" in 2008, which perfectly integrated the heroic spirit of Mao Zedong's poetry with the ancient and elegant Lishu, demonstrating his profound expertise in the field of calligraphy.

In terms of artistic creation, Mr. Li Zhisong specializes in broad brush Jiaomo landscape painting and has developed a unique artistic style. His works have participated in numerous calligraphy and painting exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and have won numerous awards. In 2009, he participated in the creation of the large-scale mural "Splendid China" for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People. This painting was hung in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People and became an important cultural and artistic work of the country.


家和万事兴  尺寸:180CMX50CM

In recent years, Mr. Li Zhisong's artistic achievements have been more widely recognized. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China in 2019, he participated in a special report on "Beauty in China", showcasing his artistic style and creative philosophy. During the fight against the epidemic in 2020, he paid tribute to frontline heroes through his calligraphy works, expressing his respect and gratitude towards them.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021, Mr. Li Zhisong was awarded the title of "People's Artist", which is a full recognition of his artistic achievements and contributions. In the same year, he was also selected for the academic exchange compilation of contemporary masters in "Cultural Heritage", to discuss the future direction of artistic creation with other artists.


书李白诗:《敬亭山》  尺寸:80CMX65CM

In 2022, Mr. Li Zhisong was awarded honorary titles such as "National Treasure level Art Master" and "National Special level Calligrapher", further highlighting his outstanding position in the fields of calligraphy, painting, and calligraphy. At the same time, he has also been awarded titles such as "New Era · Chinese Moral and Artistic Double Happiness Art Master", "Chinese Great Artist", and "CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Art Consultant". These honors not only recognize his personal talent, but also recognize his contribution to the Chinese cultural and artistic cause.


书王维诗:《竹里馆》  尺寸:80CMX65CM

In 2023, Mr. Li Zhisong was recommended as an artist at the China International Cultural and Tourism Fair and registered as a "Republic of China's Centennial Giant and National Treasure Artist" at the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. In the same year, he was hired as a master's supervisor by the School of Art at Renmin University of China and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art by two ministries.

In January 2024, Mr. Li Zhisong was awarded the title of "Artist under the Party" by two ministries, which is another high recognition of his artistic achievements and contributions.

Mr. Li Zhisong's life was a model of the integration of art and life. He accompanied himself with calligraphy and painting, with art as his soul, and wrote the wonderful chapters of life with his own pen and ink. His artistic achievements and life experiences will inspire more people to devote themselves to the art industry and contribute to the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture.






