跨越海峡的书画情港澳台书画作品大展,对于推动港澳台地区书画艺术的发展具有重要意义。它不仅能够为书画家们提供一个展示和交流的平台,促进彼此之间的学习与借鉴,还能够增进三地之间的文化认同和友谊。同时,通过线上展览的举办,也能够让更多的人了解和欣赏到港澳台地区的书画艺术,推动中华文化的传承与发扬。 李生福,彝族,云南双柏县人,著名书法家、中央民族大学硕士生导师。长期从事中国传统文化、中国书法以及民族古文字的教学与研究。作品曾多次参加大展并获奖。现为中国书法家协会会员、国家一级美术师(书法)。 并兼任中国文化艺术发展联合会常务理事、中国书画艺术促进会理事。中国书画家联谊会、中国民族书画院、中国华艺书画院、中国民族文字书法研究会等兼职书法家。并与世界收藏家联合会、世界富豪俱乐部、中国北京紫光阁中心“签约书法家”、云南银鹏书画艺术研究院副院长等。 自1986年以来,作品多次参加国内外书法大展并多次获奖,书法作品被中国收藏家协会书画收藏委员会、中国华艺书画院、中国民族博物馆、中国书画家联谊会、美国世界民族研究院、日本武藏高等学校、云南省民族经济研究会、贵州省奢哲彝族文化研究院、中央民族大学博物馆、四川凉山彝族奴隶制博物馆、云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州博物馆、贵州《都匀日报社》、等国内外有关单位和个人收藏。 2017 年,鉴于在中国传统书画领域取得的突出贡献和成就,由各大权威媒体重点推荐为“人民喜爱的书画家”称号;2018 年被中国文学艺术界联合会授予“德艺双馨的艺术家”称号。 2022年鉴于在弘扬祖国优秀传统文化,书画创作和艺术研究等领域做出的突出贡献,由中国华夏巨匠书画院、北京华夏国墨书画院主办,全国书画艺术委员会协办,特授予您“ 人民艺术家 ”荣誉称号。 2023年,鉴于在传承中华民族传统艺术、弘扬中国传统文化,以及书画艺术创作和艺术研究领域做出的贡献。经中央电视台《艺术传承》栏目组研究决定,特为你颁发CCTV艺术传承人荣誉称号。 曾出版专辑: 《名家名作》,2021年与孙晓云老师合作,中国文献艺术出版社, 《国宝级艺术大师》2022由中国文联出版社出版已出版,与沈鹏、权希军、孙晓云等老师合作; 《盛世中国名家》与范迪安、崔家琢老师合作,2022年,中国国际出版社出版; 《中国书法五大家》2012 年与沈鹏、李铎、张海、米南阳老师合作; 2012年:《中国书画家大辞典》、(1版2版)、《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《华艺绽放》中国当代书画名家作品集(书法卷)、《当代影响力人物金典》、《中国书画百杰精品集》与“百杰”称号、《和谐中华——当代中国著名书画家作品集》、《中华英才》大型书画集、《中国当代艺坛最具影响力十八大风云人物》、《当代中国书法艺术名家集》、《中国民族文字与书法宝典》、《中华翰墨》、《中国美术家》特辑、《中国华侨出版社》(华人艺术人物)、《江山如此多娇》大型画册、《中国艺术》杂志、《中国彝族文字书法》、《大西南月刊》2012年专题报道、《经典生活》杂志(香港);2015《大家.翰墨典藏》书画特辑、2017《巅峰艺术》中国当代著名艺术大家、《中国翰墨艺术》艺韵阁系列丛书等。 《中国百年美术成就之——李生福个人专辑》2012年天津人民美术出版社;等二十多部专业画册(的出版入编,包括核心期刊的发表)。 2008 年在北京“798”文化艺术区举办个人书法作品展、上海世博会作品展。2019 年参加在福州举办的“中国世界遗产艺术品博览会”并展出个人书法作品。 Li Shengfu, a Yi ethnic group from Shuangbai County, Yunnan, is a famous calligrapher and master's supervisor at Central University for Nationalities. Engaged in teaching and researching traditional Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy, and ancient ethnic scripts for a long time. The work has participated in numerous exhibitions and won awards. I am currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and a national first-class artist (calligrapher). He also serves as an executive director of the China Cultural and Art Development Federation and a director of the China Calligraphy and Painting Art Promotion Association. Part time calligraphers such as the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the Chinese Academy of Ethnic Calligraphy and Painting, the Chinese Huayi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the Chinese Ethnic Calligraphy Research Association. And signed with the World Federation of Collectors, the World Rich Club, the Ziguangge Center in Beijing, China, and the Vice President of Yunnan Yinpeng Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute. Since 1986, his works have participated in numerous calligraphy exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and have won numerous awards. His calligraphy works have been collected by relevant units and individuals at home and abroad, including the Calligraphy and Painting Collection Committee of the China Collectors Association, the China Huayi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, the Chinese Ethnic Museum, the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the World Ethnic Studies Institute of the United States, Musashi University of Japan, the Yunnan Ethnic Economics Research Association, the Guizhou Shezhe Yi Culture Research Institute, the Central University for Nationalities Museum, the Sichuan Liangshan Yi Slavery Museum, the Honghe Hani Yi Autonomous Prefecture Museum of Yunnan Province, and the Guizhou Duyun Daily. In 2017, in view of the outstanding contributions and achievements made in the field of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting, it was recommended by various authoritative media as the title of "People's Favorite Calligrapher and Painter"; In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Artist with Both Virtue and Art" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2022, in view of the outstanding contributions made in promoting China's excellent traditional culture, calligraphy and painting creation, and art research, sponsored by China Huaxia Giant Craftsman Calligraphy and Painting Academy and Beijing Huaxia Guomo Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and co organized by the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, we hereby award you the honorary title of "People's Artist". In 2023, in view of the contributions made in inheriting traditional Chinese art, promoting traditional Chinese culture, as well as in the creation and research of calligraphy and painting art. After research and decision by the CCTV Art Inheritance program team, we hereby award you the honorary title of CCTV Art Inheritor. Previously published album: "Famous Works by Famous Masters", collaborated with Professor Sun Xiaoyun in 2021, published by China Literature and Art Publishing House, National Treasure Art Master 2022 has been published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House, in collaboration with teachers such as Shen Peng, Quan Xijun, and Sun Xiaoyun; "Prosperous Chinese Masters" collaborated with teachers Fan Dian and Cui Jiazhuo, published by China International Publishing House in 2022; In 2012, "Five Masters of Chinese Calligraphy" collaborated with teachers Shen Peng, Li Duo, Zhang Hai, and Mi Nanyang; 2012: "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" (1 edition and 2 editions), "List of Celebrities in the Contemporary Chinese Art Industry", "Collection of Works of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters (Calligraphy Volume)", "Golden Dictionary of Contemporary Influential Figures", "Collection of Top 100 Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" and "Title of Top 100", "Harmonious China - Collection of Works of Famous Calligraphers and Painters in Contemporary China", "Large scale Collection of Chinese Talents", "Top 18 Influential Figures in Contemporary Chinese Art", "Collection of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Treasure of Chinese Ethnic Writing and Calligraphy", "Chinese Calligraphy and Ink", "Special Edition of Chinese Artists", "" China Overseas Chinese Publishing House "(Chinese Artists)," Jiangshan So Many Beauties "large-scale album," Chinese Art "magazine," Chinese Yi Calligraphy "," Southwest Monthly " 2012 special report, Classic Life magazine (Hong Kong); 2015 "Dajia. Hanmo Collection" Calligraphy and Painting Special Edition, 2017 "Peak Art" Famous Contemporary Chinese Art Masters, "Chinese Hanmo Art" Yiyun Ge Series Series Books, etc. "Chinese Centenary Art Achievements - Li Shengfu's Personal Album" 2012 Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House; Waiting for the publication and inclusion of over twenty professional art albums, including the publication of core journals. In 2008, a personal calligraphy exhibition and a Shanghai World Expo exhibition were held in the "798" Cultural and Art Zone of Beijing. In 2019, participated in the "China World Heritage Art Exhibition" held in Fuzhou and exhibited personal calligraphy works.