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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-06-14 | 147 次浏览 | 分享到:





刘瑾铭,笔名墨石,1948 年 4 月出生。男,汉族,祖籍内蒙古,现为河北保定人。自幼酷爱美术,师从著名画家白铭、杜之逵先生,文革初期下乡内蒙古,当知青六年,返城任国家教师,后进修上海东方艺专,首届中国书画函授大学毕业,广交良师益友,笔耕不缀,任中学美术老师至今,桃李芬芳满天下。刘瑾铭现为河北省美术家协会会员、中国国画协会理事,被聘请为国务院国宾礼特供艺术家,中企艺联书画院副理事长,CCTV 综艺栏目最佳合作人物。八十年代以来,参加全国省、市各项展出,比赛,获金、银各种奖项达五十余次,国画以西北风情为特色,作品及传略被入编多部典集。被有关部门授予,“20 世纪银奖艺术家“、”中国书画百杰“、”2010 年感动中国艺术人物“、“最具收藏潜力的书画家“、”德艺双馨书画家“、“大国文化艺术形象大使”、“国酒茅台国礼名家(新版广告代言人)国瓷礼品立盘形象代言”,中国故宫六十年授予“中国文化,百年巨匠”等多项荣誉称号,被多家媒体誉为北方齐派书画的优秀传承人,其作品被毛主席纪念堂等机构收藏,近几年先后受聘北京新华融媒书画院行政院长,组团到延安梁家河,采风写生,出版画集。许多作品被有关文化艺术机构拍卖收藏。参加了首届央视书画春晚等系列活动。继任中企艺联书画院副理事长,组织书画中国美丽乡村万里行等多场笔会。创作作品获中书协、中美协合办的庆祝建国 70 周年全国网络书画大赛获奖,中日和平友好名人书画展入选。庆祝中美建交40 周年,名人书画展获奖,并被授予“文化艺术形象大使”称号。2024 年受聘于广东珠海市科技园区文化艺术公司,从事对外文化艺术交流。同年先生三幅作品入选巴黎奥运会,中国国家书画展,为世界艺术交流的出了新贡献。

Liu Jinming, pen name Mo Shi, was born in April 1948. Male, Han ethnicity, ancestral home in Inner Mongolia, currently from Baoding, Hebei. I have been passionate about art since childhood and studied under famous painters Bai Ming and Du Zhikui. In the early stages of the Cultural Revolution, I went to Inner Mongolia and worked as an educated youth for six years. After returning to the city, I became a national teacher and later studied at the Shanghai Oriental Art College. I graduated from the first Chinese Correspondence University of Calligraphy and Painting and made many good teachers and friends. I have never neglected my brushstrokes and have been a high school art teacher ever since. The fragrance of peach and plum blossoms fills the world. Liu Jinming is currently a member of Hebei Artists Association and a director of China National Painting Association. He has been hired as a special artist for State Guests of the State Council, Vice Chairman of China Enterprise Art Federation Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and Best Collaborator of CCTV Variety Program. Since the 1980s, he has participated in various exhibitions and competitions at the provincial and municipal levels nationwide, winning more than 50 gold and silver awards. Traditional Chinese painting is characterized by the northwest style, and his works and biographies have been included in multiple collections. Awarded by relevant departments as the "20th Century Silver Award Artist", "Top 100 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters", "2010 Touching Chinese Artist", "Most Promising Calligrapher and Painter", "Deyi Shuangxin Calligrapher and Painter", "Ambassador of Cultural and Artistic Image of a Great Country", "National Liquor Maotai National Ritual Famous Family (New Edition Advertising Spokesperson)," National Porcelain Gift Standing Plate Image Spokesperson ", and awarded multiple honorary titles such as" Chinese Culture, Centennial Giant "by the Chinese Palace Museum for 60 years. Renowned by many media as an excellent inheritor of Northern Qi style calligraphy and painting, his works have been collected by institutions such as Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall. In recent years, he has been appointed as the Executive Director of Beijing Xinhua Integrated Media Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Organize a group to Liangjiahe in Yan'an, pick up the style of sketching, and publish an art collection. Many works have been auctioned and collected by relevant cultural and artistic institutions. Participated in the first CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Spring Festival Gala and other series of activities. Successed as the Vice Chairman of the China Enterprise Art Federation Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and organized multiple calligraphy and painting events such as the Beautiful Countryside Journey of Calligraphy and Painting in China. The creative work won the prize in the National Online Calligraphy and Painting Competition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China jointly organized by the Chinese Calligraphy Association and the China US Association, and was selected for the China Japan Peace and Friendship Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition won awards and was awarded the title of "Cultural and Artistic Ambassador". In 2024, I was hired by Zhuhai Science and Technology Park Cultural and Art Company in Guangdong Province to engage in foreign cultural and artistic exchanges. In the same year, three of his works were selected for the Paris Olympics and the China National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, making new contributions to world art exchange.
















