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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-03-28 | 65 次浏览 | 分享到:


  Jiang Jianping, pen name Jiang Ping, born in May 1957 in Changshu, Jiangsu, is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and a director of the National Association of Young and Middle aged Hard Pen Calligraphers. In the early 1990s, his works were exhibited at the second National New Artists Exhibition and won the Second Prize and Excellent Award in the Achievement Report of the Training Center of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. He was also recognized as an outstanding student. His calligraphy is based on the two kings, and he has been studying Mi Fu for a long time, unaware of the ups and downs of winter and summer; Willing to loneliness, indifferent and self-sufficient; Diligently and leisurely; Absorbing nutrients from tradition and forming oneself through time. The style of the book is fresh and beautiful, regulated and agile, firm and charming; Elegant and refined, tranquil and not dry, beautiful and charming.

  蒋建平, 1957年生于常熟,或许受家庭环境的影响,亦或许血脉中流淌的天性,幼年的蒋建平就酷爱书法,但是,宣纸一片、秃笔一只,临古学帖,对现代人来说,乃极其平常之事,然而对青少年时期的蒋建平而言,甚至拿着毛笔在烟盒上临帖都是非常奢侈的时光,但凡有那样的机会,便能让他拊掌跳跃、欣喜若狂。受家庭经济条件的限制,初中毕业后,蒋建平并没有走上专业的书法之路,而是,走向另外一条充满成功与希望的艺术之路——演奏小号,蒋建平被招进常熟县京剧团,高雅而又充满欢乐的“民间演奏家”,在老师耳提面命的指授下,晨夕苦练,从学徒到剧团的骨干力量,蒋建平演奏小号达8年之久。1979年转业入国营常熟纺织机械厂工作,直至退休,做过油漆工、清砂工、锻工,蹲过五个科室,从幼年到演奏小号,再到单位工作,直至退休,几十年来,蒋建平对书法的热爱与追求从未改变过,繁忙的工作之余,唯蒋建平没有停止对书法的练习,也没有限制蒋建平对书法魂牵梦绕的渴望,有时候,,工作累了、苦闷了、焦虑了、情绪激动了,他都去写写字、临临帖,既能舒缓心情,又能练习书法,人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程,心静则艺精,斗转星移中,笔墨临池,蒋建平的书法日新月异,面貌渐成。

  Jiang Jianping, born in Changshu in 1957, may have been influenced by his family environment or his innate nature flowing through his bloodline. He had a passion for calligraphy since childhood. However, for modern people, learning calligraphy from ancient times with a single piece of rice paper and a bald pen is an extremely ordinary thing. However, for Jiang Jianping in his youth, even holding a brush to write on a cigarette box is a very luxurious time. Whenever there is such an opportunity, he can jump and be ecstatic. Due to the limitations of his family's economic conditions, after graduating from junior high school, Jiang Jianping did not embark on the path of professional calligraphy. Instead, he embarked on another path full of success and hope - the trumpet. Jiang Jianping was recruited into the Changshu County Peking Opera Troupe, an elegant and joyful "civilian performer" who, under the guidance of his teacher, practiced hard in the morning and evening. From an apprentice to a key member of the troupe, Jiang Jianping played the trumpet for 8 years. In 1979, Jiang Jianping transferred to work at the state-owned Changshu Textile Machinery Factory until retirement. He worked as a painter, sand cleaner, and forging worker, squatting in five departments. From childhood to the trumpet, then to working in the unit, until retirement. For decades, Jiang Jianping's love and pursuit of calligraphy have never changed. Apart from his busy work, only Jiang Jianping did not stop practicing calligraphy, nor did he limit his longing for calligraphy. Sometimes, when he was tired, depressed, anxious, and emotionally excited from work, he went to write and practice calligraphy. Not only can he relieve his mood, but he can also practice calligraphy. The most exciting thing in life is not to achieve his dreams. In an instant, it is a process of persisting in one's dreams. With a calm mind, one's skills are refined. In the midst of the ever-changing stars, the calligraphy of Jiang Jianping is constantly changing, and his appearance is gradually becoming more mature.


  The cultural atmosphere permeates with Chinese characteristics, allowing the audience to appreciate the beauty of calligraphy while arousing a longing for traditional culture. When Jiang Jianping's calligraphy comes into view, his ink charm permeates the elegance of the pen tip, like autumn water seeing the bottom, refreshing and bright, round like jade, like spring rain with fragrance, refreshing and pleasing to the heart and mind, making it difficult to suppress the passion in his heart. There are experts in the folk, and it is not ruled out that there are highly skilled artists running around. However, there must be dragons hidden in the abyss, and among the magnificent folk masses, real calligraphy artists have only not entered the public eye. "Master in the Folk". No matter which calligrapher wants to stand out in a unique and prominent way, it must be a language of exploration gradually formed in long-term practice. This unknown exploration process is a combination of difficulties, pain, doubts, and other ups and downs. It is also the crystallization of artistic integration after the joy of Liu Yanhua, the pleasure of suffering and happiness, and the intoxication of jumping and jumping, which have been seen throughout the world. These are the strengths that are different from others. Obviously, Jiang Jianping is an outstanding and independent figure.

  艺术不分家,不服输的蒋建平能把“小号”演绎的非常完美,书法一定不会差,这是艺术的基因,而且,书法本就是他惴惴不能忘怀的追求。他积年笔耕不辍、废寝忘食,甚至为一点一线,夜不能寐,汗水浇筑下的写字渐渐蜕变成精修入境的书法艺术,从行草书《沈周/经尚湖望虞山》、《李白/早发白帝城》两幅中,可以深刻感受他的书法成果,字体险峻,取势豪迈,线条遒劲隽美,含蓄多变,转使自然流畅、飘逸洒脱,用墨酣畅淋漓、恣肆畅达,毫无滞感,“二王”、米氏行草的气质,随处可见,如笔意连连,成“二王”美韵,又如劲韧挺拔,拥米氏意致,融成精妙,自成一体。可见“二王”、米氏在蒋建平的笔墨之间已经成竹在胸,在他的笔下可随意调用,游刃有余。再看蒋建平的行草书《张继/枫桥夜泊》、《黄公望、王摩诘/春溪捕鱼图》两幅,章法布局严谨,字体扎实厚重,施墨如涌泉,清清爽爽,得益于颜真卿的《东方朔》,落笔成惊雷,惊骇人心,取之魏碑诸家,呈雄卓之姿不失飘逸,显奔放之势能严守法度, 雍容华贵、兴致所成。


  The cultural atmosphere permeates with Chinese characteristics, allowing the audience to appreciate the beauty of calligraphy while arousing a longing for traditional culture. When Jiang Jianping's calligraphy comes into view, his ink charm permeates the elegance of the pen tip, like autumn water seeing the bottom, refreshing and bright, round like jade, like spring rain with fragrance, refreshing and pleasing to the heart and mind, making it difficult to suppress the passion in his heart. There are experts in the folk, and it is not ruled out that there are highly skilled artists running around. However, there must be dragons hidden in the abyss, and among the magnificent folk masses, real calligraphy artists have only not entered the public eye. "Master in the Folk". No matter which calligrapher wants to stand out in a unique and prominent way, it must be a language of exploration gradually formed in long-term practice. This unknown exploration process is a combination of difficulties, pain, doubts, and other ups and downs. It is also the crystallization of artistic integration after the joy of Liu Yanhua, the pleasure of suffering and happiness, and the intoxication of jumping and jumping, which have been seen throughout the world. These are the strengths that are different from others. Obviously, Jiang Jianping is an outstanding and independent figure.
