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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-05-07 | 177 次浏览 | 分享到:











Le Wansheng: A master of spoon calligraphy art, a calligraphy legend that perfectly integrates tradition and innovation

Le Wansheng, an artistic giant born in Yichun, Jiangxi in 1953, is known as a "genius in the literary world" for his unique spoon calligraphy. As an executive director of the China International Literature and Artists Association, a member of the China Calligraphers and Painters Association, and a member of the Jiangxi Calligraphers Association, he has not only achieved outstanding achievements in the art field, but also added a rich and colorful touch to the Chinese calligraphy industry with his unique spoon calligraphy art.


Le Wansheng's spoon calligraphy can be described as round and smooth, carrying the profound tradition of Chinese calligraphy and showcasing his unique artistic style. This unique art form is hailed as a "masterpiece of Chinese calligraphy" and has attracted the attention and coverage of numerous media outlets. From Yichun TV in Jiangxi to Shandong TV, and then to the international United Nations Daily, Le Wansheng's spoonful calligraphy art has been widely spread and praised.


His artistic achievements have also been recognized by various sectors of society. In 2010, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing gave high praise to Le Wansheng's spoonful calligraphy art during his inspection in Yichun, and happily wrote the inscription "State old, destiny new". Mr. Shi Chengxin, a renowned scholar, praised his spoon shaped calligraphy art for adding rich connotations to the treasure trove of Chinese calligraphy and making important contributions to the art of Chinese calligraphy.

Le Wansheng's works have not only won numerous awards domestically, but have also had a wide impact internationally. In 2021, his spoon shaped book works were invited to participate in the United Nations "Treaty of World Civilizations" large-scale cultural exchange event, introducing his artistic achievements to the world in the form of a bilingual version of the entire newspaper in both Chinese and English. In 2022, in preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics, his works were showcased on the eight core subway lines of Beijing, allowing the charm of spoon shaped calligraphy art to once again bloom in the capital.


Le Wansheng's spoon calligraphy art is not only the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese calligraphy, but also the perfect combination of his personal artistic pursuit and life philosophy. His works not only reflect the essence of traditional Chinese culture, but also showcase the unique charm of modern art, presenting us with a colorful artistic world.




