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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-06-28 | 316 次浏览 | 分享到:











国内外参赛多次获奖!作品刊登在 人民日报、中国政协报、中国环境报、中国书画报、改革开放导报、中国经济新闻、南粤脊梁、百年巨匠、香港商报、深圳商报、深圳侨报、三湘都市报、上海劳动报、常德日报、常德晚报丶党旗下的艺术家,“中国艺坛功勋人物",CCTV央视总台“人民艺术家"国礼级收藏册,“大道同行一中国艺坛名家"雅集等画册,书刋,报刊,及媒体专访。在香港、英国、日本、韩国、澳门、泰国、马来西亚,台湾等地举办了亇人展及联展!2013年作品被中国历史博物馆收藏!同年有中华人民共和国、国务院办公厅授予“共和国十大功勋书画家"荣誉称号,同年有中共广东省委办公厅授予“南粤文化艺术功勋人物”荣誉称号!2019年作品参赛“全球华人“书画名家”大型画展荣获世界前100名,同年作品入选并永久镌刻在北京新文化八达岭长城大理石墙面,2020年中国艺术家海外媒体展播工作,艺术成就及作品成功入选,并由300家海外权威媒体专题报道!是首批走向国际市场的中国优秀艺术家。在敦煌、深圳、杭州,内蒙,西安,等成功地举办了个人画展。2019年7月作品被中华人民共和国外交部永久收藏,驻华外使馆展示。2019年中央国学频道邀请荣登春晚,并现场挥豪。同年作品及艺术简历荣登美国纳斯达克世界第一屏!2020年4月有中南海国礼中心專家委员会评选认定授予“国礼艺术大师”荣誉称号。同年5月由中国指南网经初审和终评被评为中国当代最具收藏价值艺术家,并受聘为中国收藏指南网签约艺术家。同年8月由中央电视广播总台,央视星光大道颁奖,授予中国当代徳艺双馨艺术家。2022年2月由文化杂志社,俄罗斯艺术科学院主席,联合国科教文组亲善太使祖拉布,采列捷列共同批准特授予“中国当代艺术巨匠”荣誉称号。2022年10月由中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国国际艺术促进会、国际孔子文化研究院等官方单位领导,综合审核特批准授予“人民书画家"荣誉称号。2022年12月由国礼文化官方网,国礼艺术调研委员会鉴于在文化领域作出卓越贡献,国际领域里高度影响,特聘为"国礼文化网特邀顾问”,“国礼形象大使"。2023年3月:作品有中国艺术文献出版社,央视总台认可入编《人民艺术家》国礼级收藏册50万册全球发行。同年经中国人物报道国际组委会审核通过决定特授予“全球当代最具影响力艺术家”。作品入选巜大道同行一中国艺坛名家》雅集,并授予"中国艺坛杰出艺术家",同年4月有CCTV央视华夏栏目组及CCTV艺术传承栏目组同时特聘为艺术顾问。同年7月有主管部门:中华人民共和国文化和旅游部。


















Yang Qingfu, also known as Qingyangshan Ren, was born in August 1943 in Pucheng, Fujian. He holds a university degree and is a member of the Chinese Artists Association in Hunan. He is also a senior member of the 93 Society. TSQ900A certification, awarded the title of "Chinese People's Artist". The State Guest Ceremony is specially designed for artists and judges, as well as national first-class artists and professors.

The unique painting with a completely broken and scattered brush has been awarded the title of "World Record Maker"! Therefore, it is known as the "Yang Po Pen". It is another excellent painter who is skilled in using broken brushes to scatter peaks, following Master Fu Baoshi. His works and resume have been listed on the "World First Screen" of NASDAQ in the United States. His works have been exhibited multiple times in the Great Hall of the People and are permanently collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.


Winning multiple awards in domestic and international competitions! The works have been published in People's Daily, China Political Consultative Conference Daily, China Environment Daily, China Calligraphy and Painting Daily, Reform and Opening up Guide, China Economic News, Southern Guangdong Backbone, Centennial Master, Hong Kong Business Daily, Shenzhen Business Daily, Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Daily, Sanxiang City Daily, Shanghai Labor Daily, Changde Daily, Changde Evening News, and artists under the Party's banner. They are "meritorious figures in the Chinese art world", CCTV Central Television's national level collection of "People's Artists", as well as the elegant collection of "Along the Way, One Famous Artist in the Chinese Art Industry", and other art albums, booklets, newspapers, and media interviews. People's exhibitions and joint exhibitions were held in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and other places! In 2013, the works were collected by the Museum of Chinese History! In the same year, the People's Republic of China and the General Office of the State Council awarded the honorary title of "Top Ten Meritorious Calligraphers and Painters of the Republic", and in the same year, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China awarded the honorary title of "Southern Guangdong Cultural and Art Meritorious Figure"! In 2019, his works participated in the "Global Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" large-scale art exhibition and won the top 100 in the world. In the same year, his works were selected and permanently engraved on the marble wall of the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing's new culture. In 2020, he was selected for the overseas media exhibition of Chinese artists, and his artistic achievements and works were successfully reported by 300 authoritative overseas media! He is one of the first outstanding Chinese artists to enter the international market. Personal art exhibitions have been successfully held in Dunhuang, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Inner Mongolia, Xi'an, and other places. The work was permanently collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in July 2019 and exhibited by the Chinese Embassy abroad. In 2019, the Central Chinese Culture Channel invited Rongdeng to participate in the Spring Festival Gala and showcase her talents on site. In the same year, his works and artistic resume appeared on the world's first screen on NASDAQ in the United States! In April 2020, the Expert Committee of Zhongnanhai National Ritual Center selected and awarded the honorary title of "National Ritual Art Master". In May of the same year, after initial review and final evaluation by China Guide Network, he was named the most valuable contemporary artist in China and was hired as a contracted artist by China Guide Network. In August of the same year, the award was presented by China Central Television (CCTV) and CCTV Star Avenue, and was awarded as a contemporary Chinese artist with both moral and artistic excellence. In February 2022, the honorary title of "Chinese Contemporary Art Giant" was jointly approved by the Cultural Magazine, the Chairman of the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Zurab, and Cai Liejie. In October 2022, under the leadership of official units such as the China Artists Association, the China Calligraphers Association, the China International Art Promotion Association, and the International Confucius Culture Research Institute, the honorary title of "People's Calligraphers and Painters" was comprehensively reviewed and approved. In December 2022, due to outstanding contributions made in the cultural field and high influence in the international field, the National Calligraphers and Painters Research Committee was appointed as the "Special Advisor" of the National Calligraphers and Painters Network "and the" Ambassador of the National Calligraphy and Painting Image ". In March 2023, the works of" People's Artists "were recognized by the China Art Literature Publishing House and included in the national level collection of 500000 copies of" People's Artists "for global distribution. In the same year, it was approved by the International Organizing Committee of China People's Report and decided to make special contributions. Awarded as the" Most Influential Contemporary Artist in the World ". The work was selected for the "One Famous Artist in the Chinese Art Industry" collection and awarded the title of "Outstanding Artist in the Chinese Art Industry". In April of the same year, the CCTV China Program and CCTV Art Inheritance Program were also specially appointed as art consultants. In July of the same year, there was a competent department: the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China


Registration department: The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China has decided, after research, to appoint as an art consultant for the Social Art Professional Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association.

In September of the same year, it was officially recommended that (Contemporary People's Artist Yang Qingfu) hold a special exhibition of works for the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day. In December of the same year, I was awarded the title of Art Mentor and Studio to CCTV. In the same year, the People's Daily published "Pioneer Figures in Calligraphy and Painting in the New Era". In December of the same year, the National Archives of Calligraphy and Painting Art, the China Art Appraisal and Collection Association, and the Evaluation Committee of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Art Masters Network approved the award of "Most Influential Leading Artist of the Year 2023".


In 2024, the Two Sessions specially awarded the honorary title of Key Recommended Artist.

In 2024, his works and artistic resume were honored as a Chinese artist representing the global Chinese New Year at Times Square in New York, USA.

In 2024, the Organizing Committee for the Evaluation of Meritorious Artists and the China Hundred Authoritative Media Alliance have awarded the title of "Contemporary Most Valuable Collectors" and have been selected to be listed on the "Contemporary Most Valuable Collectors" Art List!


The works have been favored and collected by domestic and foreign art institutions, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Thailand, South Korea, Germany, the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Albania, and other countries, as well as the Great Hall of the People, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, CCTV, leaders of central departments, the National Studies Channel, the Central Security Bureau, the China Military Museum, the History Museum, the Revolutionary Museum, the National Library, the National Palace of Ethnic Culture, the official website of the National Rites, the China Literature and Art Publishing House, the producer of Chinese art literature, the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, the China US Association, the Chinese Calligraphy Association, the Global Auction Company of the United States, Christie's in Hong Kong, the Sotheby's.


The current Vice President of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute of China Economic News Agency, Special Invited Art Evaluation Consultant of the China Calligraphy and Painting Trading Runge Evaluation Center, Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Senior Advisor of the Hong Kong Federation of Culture and Arts, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Vice President of the Asia Pacific Branch of the World Art Association, Executive Chairman of the New York US China Cultural Exchange Association, Executive Chairman of the International Exchange and Cooperation Art Committee, Art Advisor of the Art Publishing House, Deputy Editor in Chief of Today Times, Deputy Webmaster of Hong Kong, contracted artist of the China Collection Guide Network, and specially appointed as academic director of the program for the National Digital Channel of Collection, and Art Advisor for the CCTV Huaxia Program Group! And awarded the title of "Famous Artist Studio", "CCTV Lifetime Honorary Professor of Art Inheritance", and specially awarded the title of Art Mentor and Studio of CCTV, Honorary Dean and Visiting Professor of the National Central Academy of Art Masters Calligraphy and Painting, Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Oriental Culture, Visiting Professor of the Calligraphy and Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chinese Dream Assisting Disabled Dream Art Consultant, and 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. The title of "Most Influential Contemporary Artist in the World" is officially recommended as an art model, and specially appointed as an art consultant by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. After research by the International Organizing Committee of China People's Report!


He is a powerful painter with great influence and creativity in today's art world.


