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来源: | 作者:pmt70da0b | 发布时间: 2024-03-29 | 85 次浏览 | 分享到:




  Li Jiabiao, born in 1967 in Linxi County, Hebei Province, has loved calligraphy and martial arts since childhood. He practiced martial arts at the age of seven and studied calligraphy at the age of thirteen. He is the sixth generation descendant of Shaolin Buddhism (martial arts) in China.

  His calligraphy began with Yan Lugong (Zhenqing)'s "Yan Qinli Stele" and "Duobao Pagoda Stele", followed by the study of Erwang Xiaokai and Lanting Preface Shengjiao Preface. Later, he also studied various schools such as Ou, Liu, Zhao, and Zhong Yao, as well as the cursive script of Sun Guoting's Shupu and the running script of the Song Dynasty's four schools. He spent decades reading and studying calligraphy, but did not dare to take a moment to spare. In 2013, I came to Beijing and met various high-ranking scholars. I had the privilege of gathering and drinking with artists, and felt deeply honored. He has won dozens of awards in calligraphy competitions at all levels, and his works have been collected by domestic and foreign people. In 2015, he was invited to the Cultural Relics Management Office of Yunju Temple in Fangshan, and all his works have been collected. In 2016, it was included in the collection of outstanding Chinese artists by the United States Philatelic Group and the United Nations World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Fund, and distributed globally!

  His martial arts have been under the tutelage of Hao Chunxing, the fifth generation master of the Buddhist and Han sect, since childhood. He has been following his master for decades and has gained his master's trust, as well as the essential skills and important techniques passed down by his master. In 2011, I went to Hong Kong with my master and won the gold medal at the Hong Kong International Martial Arts Festival. In 2017, I won the gold medal at the National Martial Arts Elite Invitational. I won't mention anything else here! In order to inherit the traditional treasure of Buddhist martial arts, we have been recruiting like-minded descendants to teach throughout the country.
